Thursday, April 21, 2011

Febreze Carpet Care Product line - Review (and a $100 gift card giveaway)

 My Review:

Vacuuming, I hate it but we have to do it. When I use my vacuum it smells funny to me, it's a smell I don't like but it's a smell I got used to.

That is until Febreze  sent me filters for my vacuum and concentrated carpet, rug & upholstery cleaner. I use Febreze a lot around the house so I was excited to try these filters out. They installed easily into my vacuum and within seconds I was vacuuming and I could smell the difference!
These filters get rid of odors, eliminate allergens and make your house smell clean with the wonderful freshness of Febreze. What a nice change from that awful vacuum scent prior to the Febreze filters, if you don't have a bagless vac no worries Febreze also has vacuum bags that do the same job as the filters!

My in-laws have a carpet shampooer so I was able to try the concentrated carpet cleaner and I was pleasantly surprised with how clean my carpets smelled, I gave the advanced pet solution cleaner to my in-laws because they have a cat and they gave the cleaner a glowing review on how well it made the carpet smell, it eliminated any odor's they had.

These Febreze products are available in Walmart in the floor care section, if you're looking for a product to make your carpet smell and look as good as new this is the product for you!


Grand Prize $100 gift card ($100 American Express gift card from Febreze Carpet Care.)
(5) Runners Up a sample of your choice of Febreze® Carpet Care Product line.

How to enter....


Leave a comment and let me know...

What is the funniest thing you ever saw your spouse/kids do while vacuuming or deep cleaning carpets?

Winners will be chose by an independent marketing association, MME on behalf of Febreze® Carpet Care Products. This is not random.

Leave a comment and the funniest scenario will receive $100.00 gift card. The next five (5) runners up will receive one (1) free sample of their choice of the Febreze® Carpet Care Product line. Winners will need to visit to indicate which product they would like to receive by mail.

If you email is not visible in your profile,  please post your email in your entry.

The sponsor will be responsible for choosing the winner on behalf of Febreze® Carpet Care Products.

Contest is open to all U.S. and Canadian residents 18 years and older. One entry per person.

Contest deadline is 5/2/11 11:59 pm est

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions. This is a Susan's Disney Family promotion, not a promotion run by Febreze Carpet care products.  I received carpet care samples to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Tabitha said...

My son runs around like I'm gonna vacuum him up as well lol!

Mysharona said...

My husband was vacuuming with the hose unattached.

Denise S. said...

They run for the couch and won't get off until I'm done.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Every time I turn on the vacuum my daughter wants me to vacuum the cat. Needless to say, the cat wants no part of it. Our cat runs to hide followed by my daughter trying to catch her. Ktk403 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My 2 yr old son pretending to vacuum the carpet with his toy vacuum - all the while picking up & eating the cheerios by hand!


Sarah G. said...

I just love when my kids turn the vac on but don't actually move it around. They think I can be fooled by sound alone.

Janice said...

My son tried to slip past me in his socks. When he hit the hardwood floor he fell and busted his butt. Boom!

Meredith said...

My husband had his ipod on as he was vacuuming our condo. He clearly had it on too loud as the plug came out of the wall and he failed to notice until after he "vacuumed" 4 rooms. Naturally I didn't stop him to let him know... I considered it payback for all of the times he has walked by a full sink or thrown his dirty clothes at the foot of the washer instead of inside it bahaha

Thanks so much for the chance!

peg42 said...

My son would chase our cat and our cat would turn around and try to attack the vacuum. Everytime my son helps with the vacuuming, the cat thinks it's playtime.
Thanks so much.

slb3334 said...

Dance with the vacuum.

Anna said...

My oldest boy, when he was about 3-4 years old would get up in the morning before we did and vacuum wearing only his diaper and cowboy boots. I caught him one day and took a picture. LOL!

Amber said...

My daughter once ate a totally stale cheerio out of the carpet before I could vacuum it up!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

MTgunfighter said...

Sucked up a length of CAT5 networking cable that connected our wireless router to our DVD player/set top box.

mtdoonmeister at gmail dot com

shellquest9 said...

One day I my daughter was vacuuming the living room, so I thought. When I peeked in the room, she was sitting on the couch painting her nails.
Michelle M.

Deb K said...

Oh my grandchildren like to turn the vacuum on too as they think that I won't come look :-)


BowieTip said...

My daughter's dog will roll around on the foam carper cleaner I spray onto the carpet. The dog's antics looks pretty funny.

Hope to win!

rewcath said...

oh i'd be in big trouble if i put his name but my son (now all grown) for some reason only kids know put the vacuum hose while on and stuck it to his forehead of course he had a big red circle of a couple of days.

Annie1 said...

Well, we seem to have a strange vacuuming "tradition", "curse" in my family!

When I was 15 I was vacuuming my mom's bedroom carpet when some fringe from a rug went up into the vacuum (a power head). Me, in my 15yr old infinite wisdom, automatically lifted my barefoot up to knock the fringe out. Well, the fringe dropped but my toe kept My adrenaline was flowing so it didn't hurt at all, but I ended up in the ER with my toe cut through the nail.....the nurse told me I was lucky to still have my toe (not sure if she just wanted to scare me or if she was serious lol) Anyways, I lost that toenail about a month later.

forward a few years when my daughter is about 3 yrs old...

She was helping my mom vacuum when for some reason her foot, yes, her foot ended being devoured! We ended up with the neighbour trying to get the vacuum apart to get her foot out; but ultimately it was my dad who managed to rescue her wee 3 yr old foot! lol She was lucky and managed to keep all of her toenails!

From then on, we've been very careful when we vacuum hahaha!


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Chip said...

When my daughter was just a little over a year, she was so scared of the vacuum. One day I was vacuuming near her favorite stuffed animal and she so bravely crawled over to save it. It was like she was rescuing it from the big bad vacuum. So sweet.

Callina said...

I saw my hubby hopping on one foot and singing a funny song while vacuuming. Of course, I thought it was very amusing. Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

Unknown said...

They all run away until I am it's going to suck them all up or something.

kport207 at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

It was actually laughing at me because I was frantic vacuum woman and the hose had become unhooked and I didn't know. grrr
tvollowitz at aol dot com

cstironkat said...

My Husband will pick up something the vacuum missed and then throw it back down for the vacuum to pick up, even though it missed it the first time.

TheresaJenkins said...

the funniest thing I ever saw my spouse/kids do while vacuuming or deep cleaning carpets?:::we must be a boring family,cause I couldn't think of a single thing.


instead of taking out the hose lifting up vacumning the cushions, table drapes counter

hale2005 said...

The lay on the couch and watch every time!


buzzd said...

Trying to vacuum this one piece of string that would not budge. Going over and over it with the vacuum and it never came up. Eventually he gave up.

Unknown said...

Carefully vacuum around the cat.

Staci @ 7 on a Shoestring said...

My 19 month old likes to dump the filter just to have me vacuum it up again! -.-
Also, following back via Friday Blog Hop! :)

Anonymous said...

When my daughter was 5 or 6 , she loved to use my carpet sweeper ( the non-electric sweeper) to vacuum her own room. One day she is suppose to be in her room using the sweeper, but it was too quiet so I went to peak in on her and there she was taking it all apart to "see how it works Mommy" Luckily it was an easy fix,lol

Anonymous said...

My little kidlet likes to sit on the vacuum and take a ride! lol! The dog barks at it the whole time too! ;)
Sharon Harmon

BethElderton said...

I caught my son vacuuming his room (yes, I made him do it) with loud music on acting like rock star--the vacuum handle was the "mic" and he was singing at the top of his voice.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

my mom made me vaccuum, so I turned on the vaccuum cleaner and let it run, she thought I was vaccuuming so I got credit for doing the chore without actually doing it

Super Frugalette said...

My husband sprayed oxyclean on the carpet...and then did nothing. Did he forget that we own a steam cleaner?

Kelly said...

I have neither a spouse nor kids, but my cat goes psychotic when I turn on the vacuum. He runs from it, then when he gets cornered, he jumps on the bed and runs in circles.

krtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com

Carol said...

m daughter is so sacred of the vaccum cleaner, before I vaccum the rug, she will walk up to the vaccum and kick it and whisper something to is so cute

annies home said...

the funniest things are babies when they are little investigating just what is going on

Blessed and Highly favoured said...

Clap and dance.

Michele P. said...

My husband (who is in the floor care cleaning business by the way) decided he would vacuum the living room carpets while I was sick one day. While I appreciated the favor, I wondered how he would deal with my finicky machine-which seemed to have a mind of its own. (requests for a new machine had gone unheeded as it "was all in my head" and the vacuum was perfectly fine) That was, until HE used it. I listened intently as the whirring sound went on until I heard the signature THUMP and knew that there would soon be trouble. But as sick as I was, I figured I'd let him handle it. Besides, the machine wasn't possessed-it was just my imagination, right? Figuring he'd vacuumed up something he shouldn't have, hubby got a little closer to inspect the machine-without turning it off or unplugging it first. He undid the hose, and was peering into the depths of the cylinder when all of a sudden the machine started up again, and up came the contents of the machine-dust, fur, dirt and who knows what else-right into hubby's face! (I happened to be up and peering around the corner at the right moment, lol) After a few unprintable mutterings, hubby stepped into the shower and went out for awhile. I figured he'd needed cooling off-so didn't say much and went back to taking a nap. When I finally awoke later that night, the old machine was no where to be found and in its place was the shiny new machine I'd been admiring a few months back. I just smiled and didn't say a word-the carpet Gods had spoken and he'd finally listened!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Ellie Wright said...

My middle son was cared of the vacuum when he was a baby. The first time I vacuumed after he learned to crawl, he crawled under the kitchen table and promptly fell asleep. I guess it was his way of shutting out what he was frightened of.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com

debbie said...

My son talks to my cat. She likes to sit on the sofa while he vacuums. I think she feels like she has to supervise him.

dawns41 said...

My family leave the room I am vacuuming in. lol

Leslie said...

Fight the dog for the sweeper, and it isn't a good thing. The poor sweeper has the marks to prove it... Thank you!

Anonymous said...

My daughter likes to sing with the hose
thank you

cjbstar said...

It's my big Lab who is scared to death of the vacume. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I am always the one who vacuums, but one day my husband decided that he was going to surprise me and vacuum while I was out. His Mom used to always pour this carpet cleaner stuff on the floor, so he figured we did that too. So I come to find these little crystal like things all over my floor and my husband desperately trying to vacuum it all up. I was trying to figure out what was all over my floor (I figured my son had gotten into something) and on closer inspection I discovered it was my fabric softener crystals that I used in my laundry m(y son had torn the wrapper off of it so it didn't say what it was). I still thought my son had gotten into it and was asking my husband what happened since this is usually kept up really high with all our cleaners and such. He told me that I need to buy different carpet cleaner, because this stuff did absolutely nothing! That had me laughing for days and the next time I went shopping I bought my husband his own bottle of carpet cleaner and put a bow on it and left a note saying "Now you can stay out of my fabric softener"!

rachel_demille at yahoo dot com

Pauline MIlner said...

Our vacuum cleaner has a light on it. One day, my Husband decided to help out and do the vacuuming while I was down with the flu. I went downstairs to get some apple juice and heard the vacuum cleaner going in the basement. The door was open, but I could not see any lights on. I went downstairs to find my husband vacuuming in the dark. I turned the light on and he stopped. I asked him what he was doing. He said, of course, that he was vacuuming. I asked him why he was vacuuming in the dark and he said "Well, isn't that what the light on the vacuum cleaner is for?". After I stopped laughing, which made my head ache, I told him the light was for seeing in dark corners and that he should vacuum with the lights on if he was going to do a good job. Bless him for trying to help, but I guess you just cannot fix stupid.

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing mine does it dance while he's vacumning. My son does it everytime. It cracks me up.

hebert024 at aoldot com

skytoucher said...

At Christmas time the end of a large spool of ribbon got sucked up into the vacuum, and the spool kept spinning and spinning round and round while more and more ribbon got sucked into the vacuum.

Anonymous said...

My nephew, who was just about at that puberty age, was vacuuming and suddenly stuck the hose attachment to his face and ran it all around his face. His reason? The strong suction of the vacuum would suck out the oils and bacteria so he wouldn't get pimples, haha!

Brittney said...

When my daughter was younger she would sit on the vacuum and ride it while i was cleaning.

brittneydejajason (@) gmail (dot)com

katrina Brady said...

My youngest used to sit on the floor laughing hysterically because our little dog used to hide and jump out at the vaccuum as if going to attack it!

sweetpeg at gmail dot com

AB Smith said...

my kids don't like the sound of the vac, so I know when I get it out they will leave the area - good time to clean is when I want them to stop watching tv, everytime

Lola G said...

my daughter likes to squat down and watch the vacuum and figure out how it is doing what it is doing and she likes to talk the extra end pieces and put them in her shopping cart!


malika said...

never really seen them do anything besides sing or dance

NncySF said...

no clothes on...

Jessica Stewart said...

My daughter hops from couch to couch while I'm deep cleaning the carpet in our family room. She thinks an adventure...and it becomes one when I catch her too. LOL
domima1098 at msn dot com

Unknown said...

that would be me when I used to suck up socks and now when we got an expensive dyson, my son won't let me use it !!!

kendraco22 at yahoo dot com

Ronda said...

My children chase our dog towards the vacuum, which he does not like. Our dog then jumps around and barks and growls at the vacuum while my children laugh at him.

Debbie C said...

I haven't seen them do anything funny but I have seen the dog run away in terror. She actually starts running the minute she sees the vacuum, once it's turned on, she's berserk.

dchrisg3 @ gmail . com

Anonymous said...

They normally evacuate the area while I vaccum. While my dog attacks the sucking fiend!

Unknown said...

My little one runs after me when I vacuuming, hiding but wanting me to seek. He is hilarious and if it was up to him, I would vacuum all day. I have to tell him that the vacuum is night night to get a break.
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com

Erica C. said...

I've laughed at my guy scrubbing the carpet with a paper towel...and then trying to fix up the little shreds of paper towel that ripped off.

AStarrA said...

Oh you know the normal dancing around while vacuuming. Though my funniest is actually my dog, she will run at it barking and try to jump on it!

Erin Cook said...

My three year old chases the vaccuum while we are trying to vaccuum

momznite said...

My daughter was using a play vacuum to "clean" when she pretended it was broken, turned it upside down, and grumbled about having to fix it.

Mandy said...

My daughter will freak out and try and clean up the whole house cause she doesn't want all of our stuff vacuumed up!

Tammy said...

My daughter laid down near where her brother was vacuuming! Yes, I had to unwind her hair.

shirley H said...

Its not funny ,but maybe the grosses thing i ever daughter (at her house,her vacuum) turned vacuum on.....heard a noise..only to discover she had a mouse hiding in the vacuum..

chad sexington said...

My wife vacuums in the nude. I'm not really sure why, but seriously, who would ever complain about their wife vacuuming nekkid!? NOT ME!

Julieh said...

My husband does a funny dance when he vacuums. It cracks me up every time.honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

ky2here said...

My husband woke up in a nightmare and screamed, tripped over the sheets and fell on the floor. Wish I'd had a flipcam.

ky2here at msn dot com

diesel51 said...

My daughter was a little girl and wanted to help. She picked up the shampoo from the bath and poured it all over the rugs. She wanted to help us shampoo the rugs.

Sara Mcconville said...

I would have to say the funniest thing that happened was I always got a kick out of the febreze commercial when they sniff the carpet I would always laugh at it. One day I was vacuuming and when I got to the other side of the room and turned around my husband daughters and son were all sniffing the carpet. I was crying because I was laughing so hard.
saraanny83 at

Anonymous said...

When my daughter was about 2, she used to LOVE to ride the vacuum cleaner! And when my son was a baby, he had colic and the only thing that would put him to sleep was if I turned the vacuum cleaner on and put it in his room.

Odd thing is, now I can't get either one of them to go NEAR a vacuum cleaner! LOL!

dandmrobbins said...

It'd be FUNNy if he ever did it :)

Melissa O. said...

My husband doesn't do anything funny while vacuuming or cleaning the carpet, but he only does these tasks when he's cleaning the whole apartment. Another step in this process is to Febreeze the dog, which the dog absolutely hates. I always come home and smell "Clean Linen" scent in the air, find the dog hiding, and ask him if he Febreezed the dog again, which he always answers yes to.

wolverina401 at gmail dot com

Shelley said...

When my special needs son vacuums he repeats "clean with your eyes" & wiggles his head from side to side copying me. (I want him to look to make sure he's getting everything) Thanks

Miss Sarah said...

I usually do the vacuuming at our house, but my sister does like to unplug the vacuum for me and crack the cord like whip to see it do it's funny little wavy dance. Sorry, no funny stories here.

Thanks for the giveaway!
misterjimmy at sbcglobal dot net

Unknown said...

MY 18 month and 4 yr old like to run around sreaming like the vaccum is going to get them or they try to jump over it lol

mellanhead74 at

Anonymous said...

Erin T

My boston terrier used to attack the vacume cleaner.

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing is watching the dog when the vacuum comes out. She makes a run for it with a look of terror on her face.

reallycool3108 at yahoo dot com

Kitty Cardero said...

We've had our "new" vacuum for a year. The other day my husband couldn't figure out how it turned on.

Unknown said...

What you mean my husband and daughter is suppose to vacuum! HAH that is so funny, it has been years since my husband touched the vacuum, and my daughter she has tried turning it on a few times, but she has a hard time pushing the button. It is usually me, and the funniest thing I have ever done, well not really funny but I went to clean the carpets and umm forgot to add the water to the cleaner.

Miss Imperfect said...


One of my cats likes to "battle" the vacuum, He runs at it and bats at it and runs away. Sometimes when he runs at it I push it toward him and his tail puffs up and he runs away and doesn't come back until its off.

One time I told the hubs I was going to vacuum, He obviously wasn't paying attention because As soon as I turned it on he jumped and squealed like a little girl. It was hilarious, I laughed so hard. I wish I would've gotten it on video. lol

denayc333 at gmail dot com

mommydoll13 said...

when my husband vaccums he has this look of determination on his face it cracks me up and i pick on him so bad. i always kid with him and the kids and say daddy is serious get out the way haha

ard1977 said...

I am the only one who really vacuums in my house but I think it is funny when my son keeps trying to turn up the tv because he can't hear it when I am vacuuming. I just take my sweet time and enjoy what I am doing! Thanks! ard1977@gmail dot com

Lisa Weidknecht said...

The the funniest thing I ever saw the kids do while I was vacuuming, was believe I was going to suck them up, so they were hanging on the stairs like monkeys, so the vacuum could not get them.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh my daughter would kill me for telling you this. I laughing right now thinking about it. She called me into the Den cause the Vacum cleaner wouldnt suck up the popcorn on the floor. I asked her wheres the vacum she said right there! I thought for a moment and could not believe my eyes, I said Heather that is not a freaking Vacum that is The Pool Filter your Dad is fixing for the swimming Pool. Of course she said well how am i suppose to know you buy new stuff all the time. I thought it was a new vacum. hehehehehe ( teenagers to cute)
texaswaitress (at) live (dot) com

cheryl1972 said...

Lift their feet!!

prayingtowinbig at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My daughter took on the vacuuming as her chore. One day as I passed the living room she was dancing with the vacuum, with headset on and her music blaring. Too cute.
spiersrp at gmail dot com

daivabaum said...

The funniest and cutest thing I've seen my oldest son (2 at the time) do was the following: I was vacuuming the living room and holding his baby brother. So my son got his toy vacuum and started vacuuming... then he stopped, looked at me.. went to the bedroom and got a plush ducky (that my mom gave his baby brother when he was born). And there he was holding the plush ducky on his shoulder with one hand and vacuuming with the other hand just like mommy!
poniabaum at gmail dot com

Crystal F said...

My youngest daughter wants to stand on the vacuum as I vacuum the floor. It makes it so hard to push that thing around. lol Thank you!!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...noone ever offers to help vacuum in my house. The most they do is lift their feet LOL.

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

My little sister used to not pick up big stuff when she vacuumed. This was back in the day with the canister vacs (late 70's). The ones you could put the hose in the air output to blow things out of the hose.

Well one day I went to vacuum, and it was plugged up. I put the hose on the air output, and out shot this lincoln log and a tinker toy! (Showing my age LOL)Those things shot out like missles!

itsjustme62613 at

Tracey said...

I've watched my husband pick up something off the floor that the vacuum wouldn't pick up. But he threw it back down on the floor and kept trying to vacuum it up. He ended up picking it up AGAIN and putting it in the garbage.

msrodeobrat said...

kids hide from the vacuum because they are scared of it.. sometimes under furniture that i will be vacuuming under
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

Diana said...

My youngest son was terrified by the vacuum. He was always running away and hiding while I vacuumed

mom2girls said...

My daughter is ten, and has Aspergers, she loves to clean her room and will lug our vacuum up the stairs to vacuum it on occation. Now, a ten year old doing this, well nothing funny in that, but the very first time I found her trying to lug that vacuum up those stairs all on her own she was only around five, and she was working so hard to get it up there, but there was just no way - of course. With help she did get it there LOL, and I helped her to plug it in and then talked her threw lifting up all her precious animals (one of her passions is teddy bears, she has hundreds of them). It was very funny and sweet - that she still does it just amazes me, sometimes she will even do her little sisters room and our room - great kiddo that one, think I will keep her!

Anonymous said...

okay true story.. My son loves to terrorize the cat with the vacuum.. I swear he loves to vacuum just for that very reason.

pontowd at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

well, it wasn't funny at the time, but when my oldest was little, she was DEATHLY scared of the vacuum. I'd have to tell her I was pulling it out, tell her when I was ready to turn it on, and she'd still shreak & scramble to the top of the couch or hide on my bed until I was done.
onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com

sumn said...

My husband was vacuuming and there was a peanut on the floor. He picked it up, and called the dog. You guessed it. It was gone in an instant!

cw said...

My daughter grabs the cat and runs into her room....she is trying to protect kitty from the mean machine.
cgies25 at hotmail

vwestermeyer said...

I saw my son chasing the dog ... the dog would bark and try to attack the sweeper and my son did it over and over and over

Amanda S. said...

Our vacuum was upstairs, and my son, who was 6 at the time, decided he was going to vacuum up his room. I heard it go on, but assumed it was my older daughter cleaning up. When I figured out it wasn't, I found him in his room, on his belly holding the vacuum hose down the floor vent. He had poured his legos down the vent (who knows why), and was now retrieving them with the vacuum! He was so proud of himself for figuring out how to get them out of the vent, but didn't realize that meant they were now stuck inside the vacuum bag, lol. Ah well, he tried! ;)

Anonymous said...

when my son was little, he was scared of the vacuum. so to make him feel better i told him it was just eating all the dirt, and he thought it was like a living thing. one day while i was vacuuming he came running over and put a cheerio down in front of it. i didn't think much of it, and just vacuumed it up. a minute later he came over and did it again. finally i stopped, turned off the vacuum and asked him what he was doing. he said he didn't think the floor was that dirty, and he didn't want the vacuum to be hungry, so he was sharing. now he's older and he likes to chase the dog with the vacuum because while the dog it scared of it, he must be macho and stand his ground and just bark his little head off.

arobertson75 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

One time while I was vaccuming my 10 year old who was helping me and had seen me take the hose on the vaccum cleaner and vaccum the chair and sofa decided to help and vaccum the curtains. Well the hose started sucking up the curtain and my 10 year old started freaking out and instead of turning the vaccum off she started running down the hall with the vaccum cleaner causing the curtain and rod to come down dragging behind her and then the cat who is used to my 10 year old grabbing a small blanket and putting it on the floor so the cat could get on it and she would gently pull her on it thought it was play time. So running down the hall yelling the vaccum cleaner is eating the curtin is my 10 year old with the vaccum cleaner that has sucked up part of my good curtin with the curtin rod and othercurtin still on it and now the cat who thinks it's play time in the middle of the curtian. Everything was fine except my curtin was very wrinkled and very dusty but it was so funny.
Now my 10 year old finds other ways to help. wilcarvic

susansmoaks said...

my dog is scared of the vacuum and she runs from it, but at the same time she wants to be in the room with me while i vacuum, it's adorable
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Shae Johnson said...

My daughter likes to hide behind the chair while I'm vaccuuming. She's not used to it yet.

Nicole Larsen said...

My daughter always asks me to vacuum her hair lol :)

cpage2323 said...

My oldest son was vacuuming and ended up vacuuming up part of a belt. He looked mortified and the vacuum made hideous noises and he has not vacuumed since!
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

Marcie W. said...

A few years ago our oldest daughter, about 4 at the time, came in our bedroom while hubs and I had just started deep cleaning the carpets. As we explained what we doing and why it was important she stayed off the carpets since they were wet, she interrupted to ask why were were giving the dog a bath? I asked her why in the world she would ask that and she said that's how the bedroom smelled (wet carpet, wet dog) :)

Kate and Wes said...

My kids like to put there hands down in front of the vacuum to see how close I will come to getting them. They know I won't get them so they like to tease me!

katrinasouthwick at gmail dot com

EmmaPeel said...

my son goes overboard, does the same space for like 15 minutes

Anonymous said...

funniest thing i saw my son do is try and tackle the vacuum to turn it off...
tcogbill at live dot com

Erin S said...

My 2 1/2 yr old wanted to vaccuum so gave him the shark sweeper..I check on him since running and don't hear it moving...he has it laying on floor bottom end up and he is feeding dirt/particles to it instead of pushing it! Poor guy would've been there all day!!

menucha fuchs said...

my daugter chased my son arouned catching his shirt in the vacume

Anonymous said...

Chasing everyone around with the vacuum and watching everyone scatter.
kathy f
mknkids at yahoo dot com

janetfaye said...

My son was chasing my cat with the vaccuum and the cat seemed to like it.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

laurasloves said...

I was taking a nap as being 8 months pregnant in summer, especially in the South, was wearing me out. My husband decided to surprise me by vaccuming for me. I was almost asleep when I could hear this soft scraping sound. I got up and peeked into the living room. My husband wanted to do a thorough job so he had wrapped silver duct tape around each knee cap and when he could not vacuum up little pieces of lint, he would get down on his knees and slowly go back and forth to catch them with the duct tape. He melted my heart!

Anonymous said...

My son always helps me vacuum (he's 2), and while I'm not looking he tries to run over my feet, and one time he vacuumed the dog!! She's a great dane so it didn't hurt her, but she leaves the room every time I vacuum now.
lovekatydid at g mail dot com

Deanna said...

funniest thing: put the ipod on the rumba and "DJ Rumba" was playing through the house
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

jbafaith said...

I saw them move a rug from the closet to cover the dirty carpet when they made a mess trying to use some cleaner! It was hilarious watching them (out of sight, of course!) like a bunch of conspirators trying to hide their "crime"!

jbafaith2001 at yahoo dot com

Anne D. said...

When my kid was younger, he would fight and attack the vacuum like it was a monster. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

Lina said...

After there was a spill on the carpet, they put laundry detergent on the carpet to "clean it" than put water on it to get the detergent out. To "dry" it, they tried sucking up the water with a regular vacuum and let's just say it didn't go well and we had a lot of bubbles. said...

My dog follows the vaccuum like she is my knight in shining armor and whenever it's turned in my direction...Ms Mitzi growls at it. Once,it was facing me and I got on the floor to pick up some paper and the next thing I knew Mitzi had attacked the vaccuum. it was too funny, I couldn't stop laughing.
Diane Baum

Unknown said...

My son used to ride it like a space ship...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

lewalk said...

I know it's weird but I consider my dogs my children too. Lol. And if it doesn't count, that's fine. My family mostly runs to the other room when I vacuum and clean just so they don't have to help, not because they are afraid. My dogs, however, run for their lives because they are scared. I have had one of them attack it, one run into a wall trying to get away from it, and another stand and bark at it nonstop til I turned it off.


OneLittleMom said...

I saw my son pick something up off the floor as he was vacuuming and eat it ! Crazy kid !

Dana said...

The funniest thing I have seen with our vacuum was my child and her dad vacuuming. She was 3 at the time and when I came through the front door I could hear the vacuum and giggling. When I got to the back of the house I saw why...he was vacuuming, she was holding the kitty and they were "riding" the vacuum. Dana Matthews

Debbie Kennedy said...

My daughters run around like crazy and pretend that they are going to get sucked up by the vacuum - I play along and tell them to pick up the stuff on the floor while they're running around or their toys are gonna get sucked up too!
cleaningrhouse at yahoo dot com

Dana West Young said...

From the time my daughter was born she has had a strange fascination with cleaning and especially the vacuum. Before she was old enough to walk she would crawl over and sit on the vacuum like she was trying to tell me to use it! Now, at age 6, she loves to clean and vacuum still and if she is not using the vacuum herself than she always wants to hitch a ride while I am using it! Funny girl! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I love Febreze products and I had no clue they made the concentrate! Awesome!
Dana West

jadavis said...

The funniest thing I ever saw was my mom vacumming and pulling the cord behind her and moving it like you do, and my kitty attacking the cord over and over again!

Lesli said...

I dont know about my spouse or kids but I was terrified of it and my mom would taunt me and tease me and I would run screaming!

littleumbrella (at) wow (dot) com

Gladys Parker said...

My kids pretended they were taking a bubble bath in a huge tub ofcourse I freaked and made them bathe to get the cleaner off lol
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
@sueparks2003 Gladys P

kellyr78 said...

The funniest thing my husband does while vacuuming is instead of picking up the kids toys and anything in the way, he pushes the vacuum through the mess, and tries not to get anything important sucked in. He has vacuumed up many toy pieces this way, but once he actually got stretchy toy lizard stuck in the spinning mechanism. By the time we pulled it out it was in at least a few pieces, with beads spilling out. We joked that it was the Geico lizard and it should of had better insurance!


Anonymous said...

Our dogs are scared of the vacuum. After I finished vacuuming, I could not find our son nor the dog. They were both hiding in the closet

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Jinxy and Me said...

My nephew would like to throw torn up tissue in front of the vacuum to see it get sucked up!

nesta 67 {at} live dot com

mail4rosey said...

My husband was vacuuming while doing a little dance, giddy to try out our new vacuum and it's fancy new attachments. I was half paying attention to him and laughing because I was giving our toddler, and our nephew who was spending the night (also a toddler) a bubble bath. Our son, however, was delighted with his dad's antics and jumped out of the tub to participate. Dad didn't miss a beat, turned around and sucked up a soap bubble of our son's leg, sending him running back to the tub laughing. It was pretty funny to me; absolutely hysterical to the kiddos.

Holly said...

We've only cleaned our carpets once (haven't been homeowners that long) so not much for my spouse. But my dad was always funny because he would get so frustrated and yell at the carpet and the machine.
hollyrh at gmail dot com

Mari said...

I have an extremely intelligent African Grey parrot. He has a talent for mimicry that is both humorous and amazing to watch. If he sees me take out vacuum, he immediately starts mimicking the vacuum. Somehow, he has also figured out that if someone spills or drops crumbs or tracks dirt on the carpet, that the vacuum will be needed, and starts making the vacuum sound.
Probably the funniest incident happened when my dh and I were both dieting before a vacation we were going on. Every time I had a bite of anything naughty DH would get on my case about it. He would brag about how disciplined he was. One night I was showering before bed, and as I was toweling off I heard Raoul (our parrot) making the vacuum noise. Thinking it odd that DH would vacuum that late at night I quickly opened the door to see what was going on. I cracked up when I saw that DH had dropped a box of powdered donuts all over the carpet. It was so funny that Raoul had caught my dh cheating on our diet, and satisfying to know that I wasn't the only one!
(by the way, we both ended up losing about 10 lbs, within our goal weight and we had a fabulous time.)

runingmatey at hotmail dot com

Betty C said...

All I have to do is move the vacuum and the cats freak out. I don't even have to turn it on. They know that nasty machine just might suck them up so they immediately run to the bedroom and leap in the middle of the bed.

Julie said...

the funniest thing I ever saw happen while there was vacuuming involved was my granny when she was alive many years ago she caught Her Ranibow on fire from vacuuming out the coals of the fireplace she went through 3 of these things over the years but she also did other things that were funny like brushing her teeth with desitin Oh how I miss that woman :)

kimbly said...

Once I was vacuuming and our dog got a pair of panty hose and ran past me. Of course, it got sucked up into the roller brush and shut the vacuum down. The dog, who didn't like the vacuum under the best of circumstances, went to lay down like nothing ever happened. I am pretty sure that I saw him hiding a giant doggie grin as he watched me attempt to unravel the panty hose from the roller. He was convinced the vacuum was a terrible, loud creature and he and the panty hose managed to silence it...if only for a short while.

Kim Parrott
kimbly at g mail dot com

wendym said...

The funniest thing I can remember is one of them trying to vacuum the dog's tail......almost got bitten!

wendym at cableone dot net

~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...

OMG! My doggie is sooo scared of the vaccuum he hides under the couch!! Its hilarious!

one frugal lady said...

I had no idea anyone else in my family knew how to operate a vacuum! This is news to me!! hahaha! I have seriously never seen anyone else other than me vacuum!

Rebekah said...

I think its funny how my youngest chases the vacumn and tries to attack it while my older ones do/did run from it like it was attacking them.

Anonymous said...

my kids love to stick the hose on their faces and it gives them hickeys

cman said...

My son swore up and down he wasn't sucking up socks with the vacuum. The proof of course was in the vacuum!

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