Saturday, April 9, 2011

Glee Gum Make your own chewing gum kit review (and a giveaway)

Product information from the website:

Make your own chewing gum with chicle, the sap of the Sapodilla tree that grows in the rain forests of Central America. Everything you need is included in this kit and it's easy! You can make your own gum on the stove or with a microwave. Great for class room activities, scout troops, birthday parties, home school, or after school groups. Adult supervision is recommended. Makes a great gift for kids (ages 8 & up)!

Inside each Make Your Own Chewing Gum Kit you'll find: chewing gum base (containing natural chicle), confectioner's sugar, corn syrup, natural cinnamon and cherry flavors, a pan for softening the chicle gum base, instructions and the story of chicle.
And it's really easy: Soften the chicle gum base, either in the microwave or on the stove. Then you add the sugar, corn syrup, and the flavor packets, knead it a little, and WOW! You've made your own gum!

Each Chewing Gum Kit makes enough for 50 pieces!
My daughter was lucky enough to be able to review this kit:

Kids love to be sticky, it is true. Adults may not like stickiness as much, but kids love it! My daughter loves to do things with me, she likes to "help." She helps and gets frustrated because she's still can only do little things for me in the kitchen. Well she had the chance to help me and be a big help to me with Glee Gum (,) they sent us a bunch of their gum and a kit to make gum at home. It was a fun and sticky process making the gum, it was really cool to see how the process of making gum works. If you have a stove or a microwave you can make gum with this kit. You soften the gum base in the stove or microwave add the sugar, corn syrup and flavoring and a little kneading and you have gum!

We had so much fun getting sticky and making gum, it was really nice to be able to let my daughter help, it really is that simple and the gum tastes good to boot! (the flavors in the make your own gum kid you can make are triple berry, and bubble gum). If you're looking for a fun, easy and really cool project to do with your kids buy a gum making kit for $13.00 you can make upwards of 50 pieces of gum and the fun you'll have doing it is priceless.

We enjoyed the Glee Gum, this is good gum, and comes in many flavors from tangerine to cinnamon. My cinnamon fiend husband claimed the box of cinnamon gum, I didn't tell him we had cinnamon he just has some sort of cinnamon sonar inside of him. He didn't even read the box, just grabbed it and knew it was cinnamon, he gave me a thumbs up so the cinnamon comes with his seal of approval.

Buy it:

Click here to check out the glee gum shop 

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received a chewing gum kit to review.No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Jacqui said...

Hello! I've awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award! Make sure to stop over at for the information and award it to your newest found fave bloggers!

katzkids by Kathy D. said...

I like the Chewing Gum kit the best.Looks like a lot of fun.

katzkids by Kathy D. said...

I follow you via GFC.Thanks for the giveaway:)

Anonymous said...

chocolate of course
joni dot taylor3710 at gmail dot com

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joni taylor
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joni dot taylor3710 at gmail dot com

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joni dot taylor3710 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like gummies kit
thank you

eclairre said...

I like the gummies kit!

eclairre said...

(1 entry) Follow me via GFC

Jenn S. said...

I like the Gum kit the best. My kids were just asking me how gum was made.

jas8929 at gmail dot com

Jenn S. said...

Following Glee Guy on twitter: jashelep
jas8929 at gmail dot com

Lindsay said...

How fun! I'd love to win the chocolate kit!

saturdaynightfever said...

I like the Make Your Own Chocolate Kit!

Lola G said...

I like the make your own gummies kit!

Lola G said...

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carole said...

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carole said...

like the chocolate kit

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carole said...

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Tammy said...

I like the make your own gummies kit!

Mandy said...

I would try the chocolate kit

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Stephanie A said...

i liked the gummy kit best

sassygirl4u27 at gmail dot com

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sassygirl4u27 at gmail dot com

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sassygirl4u27 at gmail dot com

Natalie A. said...

I like the Make Your Own Gummies! Thanks!

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Natalie A. said...

I like them on FB! Natalie Ahotaeilo....

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Natalie A. said...


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Diana said...

I like the Make your own Chocolate kit

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Diana Bradford Hatch

Mtlgrl4evr said...

They all look great but I would choose the gum kit.

Tandt625 at hotmail dot com

Mtlgrl4evr said...

Like Glee gum on Facebook Tiffany Hearn

Tandt625 at hotmail dot com

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Tandt625 at hotmail dot com

Kate and Wes said...

love the make your own chocolate kit!

katrinasouthwick at gmail dot com

Kate and Wes said...

like glee gum on fb

katrinasouthwick at gmail dot com

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follow glee gum on twitter!

katrinasouthwick at gmail dot com

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plainoldsarah said...

gummies kit

Ronda said...

I like the Chewing Gum Kit.

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taylorbagels said...

Chocolate kit

taylorbagels said...

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Baby Mama said...


Baby Mama said...

Liked glee on fb
sarah hinhart

Baby Mama said...

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sarah hinhart

cpage2323 said...

e've done the make your own gum kit and it was fun. i would be interested in the make your own gummies kit! i think that would be fun!
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

cpage2323 said...

i follow glee on fb(tina wofford page)
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

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trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

pauline15 said...

Though I'm pretty flexible on what the kids can play with, I have two major NO's, and gum is one of them :) so the gummies would be perfect!
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would absolutely love to try out the Make Your Own Chocolate kit!
☮ ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com ☮

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cman said...

The gum kit sounds fun.

cman said...

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Cinderella10383 said...

I like the gummies kit the best
Jamie Brigham

Cinderella10383 said...

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Jamie Brigham

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Jamie Brigham

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Jamie Brigham

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.