Some say the 21st century shopping experience has taken a
turn for the
worse. Over the past couple of decades, is it not so that
shopping precincts
and high streets across the land have become dominated by
retailers and those familiar huge brands that have become
ubiquitous on
the Aussie retail landscape? Many bemoan the fact that malls
are no longer
places of quirky, independent stores. With such uniformity,
don’t we all end up
owning the same stuff?
Let’s look at Sydney, for example. A trip to Pitt Street
Mall on a Saturday
afternoon can be a pretty frustrating experience – crowds,
high prices and
lack of choice (and often, rain) can serve to disrupt the
serenity of what a
shopping trip should be. Such shops are the generally all
the same with no
diversity available for the imaginative consumer.
Of course, Sydney can boast more specialized shopping
options in Newtown,
Glebe, Rozelle or even as far as Bondi or Manly, but these
too are becoming
increasingly dominated by those major stores. It’s no
surprise that shop profits
are dropping, with Christmas increasingly the key time when
these retailers
can make up for poor performance throughout the rest of the
With such increasingly limited range in malls, it follows
that online retailers
are just going to go from strength to strength, as they have
done in the past
10 or so years. Who among us hasn’t ‘bought Christmas’ over
the internet
in one fell swoop in as little time as an hour? It’s true
that sometimes the
fun of browsing and the social elements of shopping are
negated when you
sit peacefully in your armchair, laptop on your knees, but
the convenience,
quality and value for money from shopping in this way is
Indeed, now we come to our main point: the fact that with so
many interesting
retailers now offering their wares online, the diversity and
independence that
was once part of the thrill of shopping has returned. Costs
and hassle are low,
while quality remains high.
Everyone knows about Ebay, Amazon and all those big
retailers, and
everyone knows about the fascinating little online sellers
who specialize in,
say, certain styles of t-shirt, jewelry, trinkets and other
items. But where do
we go if we need those all-important household items?
Sometimes finding the
right place to grab the simple essentials can be a minefield
online. What if you
need a light bulk or a frying pan before you want that
t-shirt with the amusing
slogan on it?
Well, it seems that many savvy online business have realized
that this is one
area where the consumer perhaps doesn’t have easy options.
Some intriguing
new faces have emerged on this market, including Australia’s
Only Online Direct Deals, where all manner of deals direct from the warehouse
Only Online Direct Deals, where all manner of deals direct from the warehouse
can be had. From TVs to exercise equipment to, yes, things
like jewelry and
teapots, innovative sites like Only Online have changed the
game when it
comes to purchasing deals direct from the retailer.
So, with sites such as this a viable option, maybe that
stressful trip to Ikea or
Fantastic Furniture is not so necessary after all.
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