Thursday, November 29, 2012

Feeling better with Kleenex Sharing Pack #KleenexSW​S

As a working mother I am always on the go, my days are filled and I can be so buys at times. But that is ok, I have a hectic life but I love my life and I would have it no other way. But even busy super moms like me get sick. And when I get sick boy do I ever get sick! Ugh. I am down for the count, and all I want to go is rest and have some of my Mammas homemade chicken soup and my box of Kleenex. And do you know who I usually get my cold from? Hmm? My daughter is in 2nd grade and it seems like she catches ever cold that each child in her class comes in with so we are always stocking up on Kleenex tissues.

 I am a big proponent of natural care for colds when I am sick and for my daughter as well. Here are a few items that always work for my family, and they have been working for many families for many years
Vitamin C:

Natures vitamin, make sure to hydrate drink orange juice. I enjoy tea with lemon, it is always a great help when I am sick.

A Nasal Rinse

The nasal rinse is always helpful. My husband swore by it when I met him, I however was always… well honestly grossed out at the thought of the Neti Pot. But my cold was so bad once I gave and tried it out. It was amazing, natural and easy to use. It was not as bad as I thought, and I could breathe better soon after using it, a miracle worker


Warm Mist Humidifier for Relief of Cold & Flu Symptoms. This humidifier boils water to a pure steam vapor, this helps you to breath more easily and can sooth sore throats.

 And last but not least,…. My handy dandy..Secret weapon.. not really a secret though.....

Kleenex  is the best tissues ever.   A Kleenex Share Pack  is just what everyday people need for their colds, this is a big box of tissues that will last you through that cold. Because there isn’t much worse than running out of tissues at the wrong time.. Napkins, paper towels or toilet paper will not do and resorting to them in an emergency usually ends up with a red painfully sore nose, don’t run out. We have a nice stockpile of Kleenex in out basement. I seem to pick up a box each time I am out shopping just in case. We want to show our daughter there are a lot of great things to share in life and germs are not one of them!  

Sure there may be other natural remedies, but these are my favorites. Do you have any natural remedies you use when you’re sick, and do you stock up on the Kleenex like I do?
Did you know that Kleenex has a Spanish site as well? And that Kleenex has a great Care Pack?  The Care Pack (which includes a variety of items)  would be great to send to a sick neighbor, or to the troops. It has just what you need to feel better.
The generous folks at Kleenex are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win a Kleenex Share Pack, please enter below.

Win it:

One winner will win a Kleenex Share Pack  (a large box of tissues)

Contest ends 12/10/12

I have been paid in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and Kleenex.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Susan S. Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Michelle Dehowy said...

My friend would need this when the Steelers don't make it to the Superbowl.

Sass said...

I'd love it! We've got a bunch of the cruddies going through our house right now!

Suburban prep said...

This would be great for my brother. He has allergies but right now he has a cold and he has been taking care of my parents and sitting for my sister's children too every now and again.

as Maureen

Kathy said...

It would be great to win!

Unknown said...

My aunt could use this. She has allergies.

sweepmom said...

I would love this.

♡♥♬ Louis ♬♥♡ said...

always a good idea to have tissue ready in the upcoming flue season

Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

Unknown said...

my husband - he uses a lot of tissues
sarah hirsch

Debra Guillen said...

my entire family would love this (Debra L. Guillen)

tatertot374 said...

My mom as she can always use these.

Unknown said...

We need this, we go through so many tissues! lol

katfam95 said...

I'd keep this for myself. Winter is coming and the kids often have colds.

katfam95 at aim dot com

Unknown said...

I would love this kleenex pack, my nose is always running because I live in Utah

Davia said...

I would love this because I am always sick this time of year :(

yellowlabs said...

My husband would love this

Jean said...

I would love this

Lisa said...

I want this!!

Unknown said...

My husband would love this for work

Kristin said...

My husband! He goes through tissues like crazy!

brendaelsner said...

I would love this!!

Nicole Lancaster said...

My mom would love this. A cold going around her house.

Unknown said...

I would give it to my sister! Lieutcrunch27 (at) gmail (dot) com

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.