Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Giving the ‘Gift of Sleep’ is Easy with new Pampers #Giveaway #Pampers

This is part of a sponsored promotion with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pampers. However, all opinions expressed are my own.

Pampers’ has unveiled their single largest product innovation rollout in the brand’s 50+ year history. The new Pampers products will begin capturing your  attention as they have already began to arrive on shelves at retail  locations across the country.  Are you excited? Well I know that I am. The new Pampers diapers are now three times drier than ordinary  diapers – uniquely meeting the needs of babies for unprecedented and superior overnight dryness and protection!
With overnight dryness in mind, Pampers offered me the opportunity to give the gift of sleep to a family in my community. So what should I purchase with the $100 certificate they sent to me? Hmm now this was a tough task, but it was for a great cause so I could not wait to gather some great items to donate to a local mom in need that could use the gift of sleep.  I could not wait to put together a great gift basket for that special mom and baby.

While shopping for some of the great items for the basket I thought back for the items I used most when my daughter was a baby. What made things easier for me?  Well ideas came left and right! Of course I had to include Pampers Swaddlers, and Pampers Cruisers, a good night’s sleep starts with a great diaper. Cute play items for baby, to have fun and use her energy and be ready for her bedtime when the time comes.  Some comfortable cozy pajamas for baby. Some lotion and body wash for baby, so that the baby will be clean, and ready for a good night’s rest.

A Target gift card, for any last minute needs, specially when I was low on cash nothing helped me get a good nights sleep than peace of mind knowing. there is money on the card she can use for her baby. If she have to pick up something for the baby she can run to target that is just a few blocks away and get what she needs. A cozy little bunny a fun friend for baby, so she can get a good rest, and so can mommy.

Pampers interviewed over 9,000 moms about what was important for their baby, Pampers found the number one unmet need is a diaper that provides superior overnight dryness.  I know when my daughter was a baby this was one of my biggest issues there were night leakage. I could not tell you how many times I woke up in the middle of the night from hearing my daughters wails of discomfort and finding her as wet as can be soaked through the diaper even through her pj’s. I felt so bad for her, she was just so wet and uncomfortable. Her old diapers just could not hold up to the long hours and could not hold as much liquid as I needed them to.  The lucky moms today now have the great option of a better absorbent diaper from pampers.

Pampers wants to meet every baby’s needs, they want to design a diaper that both mom and baby can count on.  These are the best Pampers yet! Here are some Pampers facts:
• Pampers Swaddlers, Pampers’ softest diaper and the #1 choice of hospitals, is now available through size 5.
• Pampers Baby Dry is up to three times drier than ordinary diapers and provides up to 12 hours of overnight protection and three layers of absorbency.
• Pampers Cruisers are now more absorbent and offer Pampers’ best fit for all the ways babies play freely.
Check out this great infographic for some some information:

I surprised one of my neighbors with the gift of sleep. She has been down on her luck recently losing her job and with a newborn this is just a tough time for her. She is a proud single mom, who does not want pity and does not as for handouts or asking for help. Just because she may not ask for help, does not mean I cannot volunteer myself to help her and her little baby out a little bit by providing them this great basked filled with goodies to her enjoy the gift of sleep.  I also included a note volunteering to watch the baby if she ever needs any time to herself or if she needs time to go out and do things baby free.
Mary (I won’t use her real name for privacy) was so very happy and surprised when I gifted her with this basket. She teared up a little, because of her happiness and excitement. I have to tell you, this was an amazing feeling I teared up too.  This was such a major gift to her, I am sure this is something she will never forget, and neither will I.   I would like to thank Pampers for giving me the opportunity to make a special moms day even more special. She will have the gift of sleep, a gift all new moms really appreciate.

So if you are looking for a better night’s sleep for you and your baby be sure to check out the new Pampers Swaddlers they are wonderful diapers that will keep your baby 3 times drier, and are now available up to size 5 and Pampers Cruisers that are more absorbent than ever.  What more could you ever want from a diaper, comfort and protection. The best, just what your little one needs.

The generous folks at Pampers want one of the readers of Susan’s Disney Family a chance to give the gift of sleep! One winner will win a Pampers prize pack that includes: Cozy blankets for mom and baby and sleep sheep sound machine + a $100 gift card! Would you like to win? Please let me know who you would give the “Gift of Sleep” and why if you won.  Who would you give the Gift of Sleep to? Yourself? A friend? Just let me know in the comments to enter. This contest ends on 12 midnight 11/6/13.
Buy it:

You can purchase these great new Pampers at your local supermarket, or wherever diapers are sold.

 Win it:

One winner will win Cozy blankets for mom and baby and sleep sheep sound machine + a $100 gift card to give the gift of sleep!

For more information make sure to say social with Pampers

Visit the Pampers website
Be sure to like Pampers Latino on Facebook
Follow Pampers Latino on Twitter

What would you add to a gift basket to help a new parent get a good night’s rest?

 This is part of a sponsored promotion with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pampers. However, all opinions expressed are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . . I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


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renee walters said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my sister who hasn't had any since her baby was born. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

heymissvirginia said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my neice. She just had Joshua 5 weeks ago and could really use this.
heymissvirginia at embarqmail.com

Mami2jcn said...

I'd actually give it to myself! I haven't slept well in about a decade since I became a mom!

Gala said...

I'd give it to my SIL - military wife- for her new bundle of joy

Unknown said...

I would give it to my sister since she has so much going on with all her kids

CindyWindy2003 said...

if i won i would give this to my best friend, thank you!

Mysharona said...

myself, I never ever get a good nights sleep

JESSiCA said...

I would give The Gift Of Sleep to my cousin, she had a baby boy, and she needs all the baby supplies she can get(I imagine).

JESSiCA said...

You have just voted for Susan's Disney Family!
I voted on 10/22-thanks.

JC said...

I would give the “Gift of Sleep” to my sister, a new mom.

akronugurl said...

I would keep this for myself. i need it


Elena said...

I would keep this because my child wakes me up every night and I don't get enough sleep

Renee B. said...

I'd keep it for myself. As moms, we are all sleep deprived!

Renee B. said...

I'd keep it for myself. As moms, we are all sleep deprived!

peg42 said...

I would give this to my daughter in law, because she could really use a break and a surprise.

Unknown said...

I would give it to my sister for newborn baby Emmah

Tamar said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my husband who goes to bed after midnight and wakes up at 4. But then again, that's just the grueling work schedule and not the babies. Fortunately they sleep through the night (usually), but we worked hard to get there!

Jessica To said...

I would share it with my niece who has a 6 month old.

Nataly Carbonell said...

I'd give it to my sister, she just gave birth to a lovely baby girl, and she definitely needs the gift of sleep!

Heidi Reads... said...

My sister who just had a new baby! Another nephew for me to love :)

Cynthia M said...

I would give the gift to my husband's niece. She's a single teenage mom living with my mother-in-law & struggling to pay her bills. We try to help her whenever we can.

sohamolina said...

I would tell a new mom to establish a sleep routine. Kids respond well to routine.

JLT said...

I have a friend in Oregon who just had a preemie. Friends are running a fundraiser online and this would help with hospital expenses! Thanks

Sara R said...

I have to admit, I'd keep it for myself as a new mom

brooke thomas said...

myself for baby 2 due in 1 week

Unknown said...

i would give it to myself because i love sleep and never seem to get enough of it

Sandy Cain said...

I'd keep it for myself. I haven't had a decent night's sleep since my daughter was born!

Heather! said...

My SIL is pregnant, so this would be a nice gift for her!

Anonymous said...

Well there are TWO of us who have a problem with sleeping well. ME and one of my grandkids! I was astonished that she has the same sort of sleep woes as I do. who knew? I think I would give it to her.

clc408 said...

To my niece who has a baby.

squiresj said...

I would give this to Pregnancy Center to help a Mother who cannot afford items. Or to Pastor's daughter. jrs362 at Hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would keep it since I don't have money to buy things I deserve to win it help me tons

Ann Fantom said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my friend who is due in January

abfantom at yahoo dot com

channallocks said...

id give it to my daughter n law

greg said...

I'd give it to my wife, shes due in June 2014!

Unknown said...

Schedules are key, be sure to include a scheduled nap for yourself also!

llinda29 said...

I will give it to my niece

Jenny Q. said...

I know someone who could use this, she is due in Jan, but recently her husband lost his job. So they could use a little help with all of those needed baby items!

Tabathia B said...

My cousin because she is a new and first time mother

Brianne Allen said...

I would give it to my bestie who is pregnant with her first. She doesn't know it yet but she is going to need the sleep.

Michelle Spayde said...

I would give it to a friend who could use a little sleep and comfort right now.

Barbara Montag said...

I'd gift this to my niece who's expecting soon.
She already has a set of twins 2 years old!
Thank you.

Unknown said...

I would give it to my sister and mother. They have a lot to do

Jessica said...

I would give it to my sister because she has her hands full with a toddler and a newborn

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

I would give it to my sister because she's got 3 kids to take care of!

Unknown said...

My sister in law needs this!

katie klein said...

My boss's wife who just had her baby on Saturday!

Unknown said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my grandson and his wife for their new baby. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my grandson and his wife for their new baby. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I would give it to my friend who has a 2 year old and is very tired.

Ashley said...

This would be for me. I'm expecting in Jan.

emeraldmaz said...

I would give it to my pregnant friend, she's allready got a teething toddler and an 8 year old...she needs it!

AMY said...

I would give it to my sister in law who had a baby that needs lots of surgeries. Amy W.

Tracey said...

My daughter has 7 children so I KNOW she could use the gift of sleep.

sweepmom said...

I would give it to my niece because she is a new mom who is not getting a lot of sleep.

mogrill said...

My cousin who is expecting on Christmas day!
Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my good friend, who expecting her FOURTH baby, because I know that sleep is sooo important…especially for a new mom!

Entered the rafflecopter as “Wild orchid”

Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

Kim H. said...

My friend Geoff and his wife who just had precious TWINS!

Robert said...

I would keep it. We have a baby due any day now, and know what we are up against.

crankyyanky1 said...

I would give it to my daughter she has a 6 month old who hasn't slept thru the night yet

Anonymous said...

I would give the “Gift of Sleep” to a deserving neighbor because she's always been there for me and I'd like to return the favor.

Breanne said...

My cousin who just had her first baby

kyl neusch said...

myself, need some sleep

Giant Sis said...

I'd give it to my sister-in-law! She's due with their first child in March so I know this would be a HUGE blessing to her! (liz n)

Jbraswell10 said...

My sister had her first baby last week, and I'm sure she would enjoy the gift of sleep.

Anonymous said...

I would gift myself because I have a two year and a new one on the way.. I'm sleep deprived

Rebecca said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my sister. She's been working really hard lately at her new job and at planning her wedding!

Crystal said...

I'd give it to my niece, who just found out she's pregnant!e

Dawn Sollitto said...

I would give it to my friend. She is pregnant and has a 2 year old son.

Dawn Sollitto said...

iWork's give it my friend. She is pregnant and already has a 2 year old son.

Anonymous said...

I would gift this to myself and my husband as we are about to have a newborn in 10 weeks, thanks so much for the giveaway.

wigget said...

i would give it my sister

Rhonda Clemens said...

I would keep it for myself as we have become Foster Parents!!! =)

Rita M said...

This would go to my nephew & his wife who are expecting twins!

Em Mahr said...

I'd give the gift of sleep to my sister who just had her first baby - she needs it!

Jen lleras said...

pregnant bestie :)

Amy Z. said...

I'd give it to my sister! She is always busy as a working mom and could use some relaxation.

tina reynolds said...

I would give it to my brother and sister in law who are expecting thanks for the chance to win.

Cassie Eastman said...

I'd share the gift of sleep with my friend who has a 24 month old and is having a little girl!

Rachel Travis said...

My sis in law:)

Oodles of Teaching Fun said...

I would give the gift to my younger sister!

MamaStace said...

I'd split it with my sis in law - we both recently had babies


Unknown said...

My sister could use this! She's due any day now and its her first, so she would really appreciate all these things...especially the diapers!

Growl Tiger said...

I would give it to my best friend who is having her first baby. She helped me when I had my first, so I'd love to return the favor.

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

Can I give the gift of sleep to myself? I would share with my friend who is due in two weeks.

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

Why? With four kids, the gift of sleep would be amazing! My friend is having her second little one in less than a year so she needs it as well!

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

My instagram username is themorrisplace.

April G said...

I would give this to my SIL, she really needs it with my new nephew teething and being a terrible sleeper right now!

denisekonkel said...

I would give it to my sister in law who is due in Jan!

hdeanna69 said...

my sister in law she deserves some sleep

Unknown said...

I would give it to my son jake. he never sleeps well.
gabbflabber at live.com

Unknown said...

I would give to my son jake.

Megan said...

My neighbor with a new baby!

Pinky Sade said...

I'd gift it to my best friend who's expecting! Thanks

DesiredOne said...

I would give it to my daughter who is having her first baby and is now 3 days overdue!

Vunda Vall said...

i would give this to my sister in law bc she is expecting and is gonna need all the sleep she can get!

Crystal F said...

I would give it to myself. My girls are a little older but still cause me to not get enough sleep. I will probably get caught up when they no longer live at home. lol Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my nephew. He has a new baby and he works so hard.

Unknown said...

I would gift it to myself. haha...I have a 9-month old who doesn't sleep well at all, especially since she's cutting 6 teeth all at once! I could use a good night's sleep once in a while.

Tabitha said...

i would give it to a friend,she's having a baby around x-mas.
from my own experience,it's a very busy time for a baby.

Carla S said...

I would give this to my sister because she is expecting a baby and she has a two year old already.She's really tired.

mecarolks said...

I would give it to my daughter she has a newborn.

Anonymous said...

I would give this to my cousin because she just had a baby and her husband works far away at times

Some_Dude_Colin said...

My wife, because she works hard and she deserves it

HarleyC said...

I would give it to my niece because I think this would help her!

Jacquelyn Cannon said...

I would give it to my grandson.

Andrew Leukhardt said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my wonderful wife for taking such great care of our 4 month old son!

Unknown said...

i would give it to my pregnant sister in law

Janet W. said...

I'd give the gift of sleep to my daughter because my youngest grandson is still not sleeping through the night!

Kia89 said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my sister who just had a baby.

PAIGE said...

I'd give it to my BFF Carol who just had a daughter. She begs for sleep. Zzzzzzzz

BethElderton said...

I would give this to my DIL--I'm not sure she remembers what sleep is.

Denise S. said...

I'd give it to my daughter.

Randi S said...

I'd give it to myself...we have a two month old...enough said ;)

Caroline B said...

I would keep it for myself and my baby to come

Natalie said...

I would give it to my brother because he has sleeping problems

Anonymous said...

My sister is having her first baby in 3 weeks. She would love this.


Christine Carpenter said...

Myself (my son more precisely) . The 1am and 4am wake up calls are happening almost every day.

Anonymous said...

my friend kristy who has 2 daughters under the age of 2

Unknown said...

I would give it to my sister. She has a newborn and a toddler!!

Anonymous said...

If I won I would split it up and give some things to one person and some to another in need.
heather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would give it to myself. I'm due in february with my second child and would love to win something!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

this would be great for a friend of mine, because she's pregnant with her very first child right now!

TheresaJenkins said...

I'd give this to my daughter ....her youngest wakes them up at screaming with what the doctors are calling 'night terrors'...they say he seems awake but is asleep like sleepwalkers

Unknown said...

I would give it to my brothers wife cause she just had a baby and is having sleepless nights..

Lora said...

I would love to have the gift of sleep. My son has Cerebral Palsy and he (and consequently, I) don't sleep well.

Anonymous said...

We have some friends expecting their first child and I think they could really, really benefit from this!


Anonymous said...

my wife's niece

Serena said...

My friend who is getting ready to have a baby

Unknown said...

I would give this to a friend who's baby shower I need to go to in a few months!

vickie schlicher said...

I would give it to me to have when my grandchildren come over

Linda said...

I would give it to this couple in church that just had a little one.

Unknown said...

I would give it to my sister! She has a young child and is about to have a new baby, so she's going to need it :)

Susan said...

I would give it to my son our grandson Zac. I want to thank you for this awesome sweep :) Thanks !!!

Wendy Rozema said...

I'd give it to my friend!

Unknown said...

I would give it to my son and daughter in law. They recently had twins and they need lots of help.

Anonymous said...

I would gift this to my newest sister-in-law who is really struggling with their little girl!

Unknown said...

I'd give it to my sister in law

Daniel M said...

for my sis/niece - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Nicole Larsen said...

I'd give it to myself since I have a 3 month old and don't get much sleep these days lol


Unknown said...

to my daughter/grandson who has a bed wetting prob we're working with.

Unknown said...

I would give to our neighbor because they are in great need of material things.

Lasonda said...

I would give it to my daughter, who is expecting.

hoeyhooper said...

I would give it to me to have when my grandchildren come over

mscoffee77 said...

I would give it to my sister who is a mom to two little ones.

Anonymous said...

My daughter!

Heather said...

I would keep it for myself. I could definitely use a good night's sleep.

tiacarter said...

I would give it to one of my church members

ivyvine1977 said...

I would keep it for my sleep I have two little girls

kjasus said...

i would give this to a friend who is currently pregnant with her first

Anonymous said...

I would give this to my friend who just had her first little one last week. She needs sleep!
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

Ash said...

To my SIL who is expecting her first child


kellyr78 said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my sister in law because she is expecting and also has a toddler son, so she is very busy.

DistractedMommy said...

I would share it with my sister!

Anonymous said...

I'd give it to my daughter in law Rosanne rosans4@comcast.net

Unknown said...

I would keep it for my baby daughter and myself.

Unknown said...

I would share this with my nephew and his wife. They just had their first baby in late September.

Unknown said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my niece. She has a newborn.

christina o said...

I would give it to my cousin. She just had a baby and this is her 3rd child.

sweetsue said...

I would give this to my daughter.She has three little ones and a baby on the way!
susan chester

Unknown said...

Thank you for this great giveaway!

Unknown said...

My wife!

Unknown said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my friend who is expecting her first baby in December!

Anonymous said...

I would add some good bubble bath for them to get a good nights sleep
heather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

I definitely need more sleep

jtedd said...

I would give this to my daughter.

jtedd said...

I would give this to my daughter

latanya t said...

a coworker so she can be well rested

hedgerhousehold said...

I would give it to the new mom that I know,. Shes going to need it

Angel said...

I would give it to my sister,she has a newborn and it would be perfect !

Leona P said...

i would give it to my nephew

ava_ann2001 said...

I'd give it to my friend Marlene...she's going to be a first time mom in about 2wks!

Aly said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my sister - she's due soon with her first and has no idea what she's in for. ;)

robyn paris said...

i would give this to my friend who just had a baby

Anonymous said...

my wife since she works hard


Naomi C. said...

we have one on the way, so i might keep it

Unknown said...

I would give it to my niece.

Mary M said...

my grandson

Courtnie said...

I'd give it to my cousin, because she just had her third child.

Pam OLeary said...

I would give the gift to my niece, she has a 2 month old

Christy said...

I'd give this to my cousin and her new baby.


Gina said...

I would give the gift of sleep to me & my husband.

smilekisses said...

I would give it to my neighbor who has three young autistic boys.

debbie said...

My sister who is about to have her second child.

Lisa V. said...

I would give it to my cousin who just had a baby in Sept.

Unknown said...

I have a young friend who just had her first baby and this would be a wonderful gift for her.

Unknown said...

I have a 6 week old and 3 other children. I really need my sleep.

Melissa Leal said...

Would love to win this for this for us! :D I sure could use this soon

Unknown said...

Me because I have troubles sleeping..myamurphy@mail.com

Denise M said...

my coworker who is a new mom

Unknown said...

I would give the gift of sleep to my sister because she will be having a baby soon and already has a toddler keeping her busy (and exhausted)!

Krystal T said...

I would get it for myself.

April said...

I'd give the gift of sleep to my husband because his depression, injured arm and high blood pressure keeps him from sleeping more than an hour at a time.

KV H said...

For a friend

KV H said...

For a friend

Heather B said...

A friend of mine just had twin boys a couple weeks ago she could certainly use the gifts of sleep! She is such a hard working mama, with 2 jobs, taking classes and now 4 children!

nickieisis3 said...

I would give the “Gift of Sleep” to my sister

weta1972 said...

My daughter.....We just found out last week!!!!

one frugal lady said...

I would love to win this for my neighbor, she is pregnant for the first time and has no idea how much less sleep she will get!

Anonymous said...

i would giv it to may daughter

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.