Tuesday, October 1, 2013

PayPower is a pre-paid and re-loadable Visa Card donating to breast cancer awarness this month #Giveaway #PPBCA

  October is, Breast Cancer Awareness, month for me it is time to donate to breast cancer walks, and annual jean day at work. But this year there is a whole new way for me to donate. A way to donate to breast cancer research and track the way I spend. PayPower is a pre-paid and re-loadable Visa Card and we think it's great for controlling spending and teaching kids the value of managing their own money too. For the month of October PayPower will donate 50% of the purchase fee in a Safeway store to Stand Up 2 Cancer and the Safeway Foundation to raise awareness about fighting breast cancer.

Manage Your Money And Raise Breast Cancer Awareness

 There's an age-old concept for budgeting called "Envelope budgeting". The idea is simple. Divide up the cash you have on hand into envelopes with the expense category on it and you only get to spend what is in the envelope. When the envelope is empty you can't spend any more in that category, and if there is some left over at the end of the month you either add it to a savings account or roll it over for use the following month.
Kids today have a hard time understanding where money comes from. I overheard a child just the other day in a department store saying "Don't worry if you don't have enough money Mom, we can go to the grocery store and get more from the checkout." This is a common theme and why many kids don't understand budgets even exist. When teaching kids the value of money, a Prepaid Visa like a PayPower card can be hugely helpful. Jimmy needs a new pair of sneakers for basketball? Give him a card for an agreed upon amount and let him make his own shopping decision.
Modern allowance
Give the kids their allowance monthly in a form of a gift card. They only spend what they have and they learn how to weigh the value of what they buy. With PayPower you only spend what you have, so there are no overdraft fees or interest charges. Your card can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted, including online or over the phone. Plus it is easy to reload!
Safer than cash
The funds on your card account are protected from unauthorized use by the Visa Zero Liability policy if your card is lost or stolen. The funds in your card account will be FDIC insured through the card Issuer, provided your card is registered. 

Support the Safeway Foundation and Stand Up To Cancer
As you may already know this month is NationalBreast Cancer Awareness Month and PayPower is donating half of the purchase fee on a PayPower card purchased in your local Safeway store between 10/01/13 and 11/03/13 to the SafewayFoundation and Stand Up To Cancer .
When breast cancer is detected early the 5 year survival rate is 98% (National Cancer Institute) and the Breast Cancer Foundation helps women create a plan for early detection, breast health education programs at community outreach programs across the country.
 What better way to manage your money, keep it safe and help others? Get your PayPower™ Visa® Prepaid Card now. http://payPower.com and help us spread the word. Share this post with the hashtag #PPBCA!

  To celebrate this great promotion one of Susan's Disney Family readers will win a  $25 PayPower Prepaid Visa Card! Would you like to win? Please comment on how you could use a prepaid card to stay on budget. 

Win it:
One winner will win a $25 PayPower Prepaid Visa Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Mami2jcn said...

It would help me stick to the predetermined amount on the card instead of overspending.

Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy

latanya t said...

it will help me keep track of what is actually available and limit me from going over the budget

CindyWindy2003 said...

i would use a prpaid card to go grocery shopping, I think that's the area I can save/splurge the most.

Unknown said...

it could pay for a few groceries and that will help me stay on budget

Unknown said...

it would help pay for a few groceries and that helps me stay on budget

Elena said...

I would buy groceries using this card

Anonymous said...

this would help me not go over budget on groceries

Amanda Sakovitz on rafflecopter

renee walters said...

It will help me from going over the budget and buying kid things! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

We use a prepaid for daily uses. When your out your out. No heat of the moment credit charges
Dawn Monroe

Heather! said...

I would use it to stay on a grocery shopping budget.

Unknown said...

I would use it for shopping so I could not go over the limit.

rounder9834 @yahoo.com

Mysharona said...

it makes me not buy impulse purchases

Mysharona said...

it stops impulse buying

A GAL NEEDS... said...

I would use the card to winterize my vehicle i.e. rotate tires, change oil, get new wipers. That would be a huge budget saver in the long run b/c any one of those things could cause me to miss a day of work if not taken care of!

Pamcakes said...

I think it would help me to pay more attention to how I am spending my money. I would be cautious to not go over my limit
b dot ringer at Hotmail dot com

peg42 said...

I would load on only the amount of money that I can spluge with monthly and this would help me stay on budget.

JC said...

I would use it to shop on sales to maximize savings.

slb3334 said...

by having only so much to spend each month.

kellyr78 said...

I would stay on budget by cutting back on my impulse purchases when I am grocery shopping since I know I only have a set amount to spend.

Natalie said...

I would use it toward groceries!

Della said...

Loading it with only the amount I can use on groceries would help me stay on budget

Jody Sisson said...

I would only put a certain amount on it so I could not spend extra.
jodysis at windstream dot net

dlhaley said...

I would buy groceries for my family.

Ann Fantom said...

The PayPower Prepaid Visa Card would help me from over spending like when I shop with a credit card

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Buying groceries!

Marianna said...

It would help me know I had to stay within a certain dollar amount (what was on the card)

Anonymous said...

i would use it for gas and that would help me stay on budget
heather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com

ava_ann2001 said...

I'd use it for a treat so I don't feel like I'm not having any fun with my budget...It makes it harder to stick to when I don't have something fun to look forward to.

Unknown said...

I'd load it with my groceries budget amount!

Wendy ArtsyChaos said...

It would be a good way for my college daughter to keep track of her spending.

Serena said...

I'd use it to buy a coupon binder

Isaac said...

It would be helpful during these tough times.

Unknown said...

It would be a great help at the grocery store.

Carla S said...

I would quit spending more than the amount that I could afford to make for payments every month.

clc408 said...

I would pre-load it with my budgeted amount so I could not overspend.

Kia89 said...

It would help me not go over budget on groceries.

Ash said...

It would help us stick to our grocery budget!


bayctygrl said...

I would use it to keep track and for my gas
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

Edge Of Insanity said...

I would know exactly what I have to spend, and it would probably help me think about saving it instead of spending.

Unknown said...

I would leave cash at home and use only the card so I cannot spend more than the balance. This will cut down on my grocery impulse buying

tatertot374 said...

I would use only what was available on the card.

HarleyC said...

It would help me stick to my shopping list!

Whitney said...

I would use it for groceries only & not use more than what's on the card. :)

cowboyswife said...

I would use it to pay my auto insurance

mogrill said...

I would use it toward christmas gifts.
Thanks for the chance.


Tamar said...

I'd limit myself to the card's limit.

kim h said...

I would load only what I can spend

Tiffani P. said...

I would use it when holiday shopping or clothes shopping. Those are the things I tend to overspend on. If I only used whats on the card I could stay on budget.

Tiffani P. said...

I would use it when holiday shopping or clothes shopping. Those are the things I tend to overspend on. If I only used whats on the card it would help me stay on budget.

Linda said...

I would use it to help with my Christmas presents

sksweeps said...

I would use it to buy gas

llinda29 said...

I will buy groceries

KStebbins said...

I can see exactly what I'm spending my money on each month so I can see where i can cut costs.

reddon30 said...

I would use it for gas.

Meggiedarlin said...

I'd use it for groceries.

Susan Christy said...

I could get a manicure which is NOT in my usual budget.

Anonymous said...

I'd use it for gas or groceries to lighten our bill a bit.

Breanne said...

I'd buy groceries

tat2gurlzrock said...

I think this would be a great way not to overspend when shopping for food

Unknown said...

That's about the amount I usually go over on the grocery budget every week...

iggysaysno said...

I use it at the grocery store so I don't buy extra things.

Jen said...

I could put extra money I would have to spend on gifts and not go over that amount.

Unknown said...

I would use it for the holiday spending! By adding money to the card, and then using ONLY that card to do the present shopping, I wouldn't be able to go over my limit :)

akronugurl said...

i will save this for christmas gifts


kyl neusch said...

buy some food

Christy said...

I'm terrible at impulse purchases so this would keep me on budget, for sure.

Unknown said...

I would use it to shop online. So I wont go over my spending amount and give my bank account safe!

Elizabeth Owens said...

I would use it to limit how much I bought at the grocery store and at the gas station!

Unknown said...

I would use it as my day to day spending cash. This way I could limit myself to a specific amount of $ to use and force myself not to splurge. My debit card is just to handy for me right now and makes it difficult to stay on budget.

Unknown said...

Prepaid gift cards would be great for Christmas shopping. You could set a budget limit and use the gift cards to stick with it.

Karen F said...

When working on a project, a prepaid card would keep me from overspending and make me really consider every purchase I make.

heymissvirginia said...

I would use it to buy gas. That would give a little help on staying on budget.


I would use it towards groceries.

Tabathia B said...

It ensures that I don't go over what I have on the card or that I only pay tax out of pocket

Anonymous said...

Christmas is coming up.....any little extra will help with that!

Pat said...

It would keep me from spending more than I budgeted

Rachel Travis said...

I would use it to pay for my internet!

crankyyanky1 said...

With a prepaid card you can only spend what you have in there so you would not be able to overspend so it would make you think before you buy instead of mindlessly spending with a credit card

Unknown said...

It would keep me from spending to much cash

Lasonda said...

I would use it to buy groceries.

Tara said...

I would use it for groceries. It would keep me from spending too much!

Unknown said...

I would use it to buy groceries so I wont spend much out of pocket

itsrob said...

it would be great to be able to put it towards some christmas presents and save the checkbook

JLT said...

I would use this for my groceries. I am trying to stick on a tight budget and this might be a useful tool! Thanks!

Linda Meyers-Gabbard said...

It would keep track of where I spend and how much I spend

Unknown said...

it would my emergency fund for gas or diapers

Andrew Leukhardt said...

I would use the card to keep track of grocery money

diesel51 said...

I would use this to stock on needed items.

diesel51 said...

I would use this to stock up on needed items.

Unknown said...

I will bring only that prepaid card.

ShempGames said...

I would use it for gas.

Pinky Sade said...

I'd use it for groceries

jlafount said...

Pay some of the power bill

Unknown said...

It would help me stay on budget because it would control how much I could spend at one time

twbellamy said...

I would spend it on groceries.

Unknown said...

It would help me stay on budget when grocery shopping. I always overspend with that.

mich0825 said...

I would use it for the extra splurges to keep on budget

Hotsnotty2 said...

it will help me keep track of what is my actual available balance


Daniel M said...

so I won't overspend - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Kim (Randominities) said...

by having a pre-paid card I would have only so much money and no more to spend. It makes you more creative especially buying presents, to stay within the budget.

Lisa V. said...

Would help pay a monthly bill

Unknown said...

Prepaid cards allow me to give my teenagers limits on their purchases but they get freedom as well.

DistractedMommy said...

I always go over budget on splurges when grocery shopping. This would make me only spend what I've budgeted!

Lauren F said...

I would use it for Christmas now that I was laid off from my 2nd job.

Unknown said...

I could use it for my Christmas shopping, I could put my budgeted cash on the card and then I would not be able to spend more than that amount.

Anonymous said...

It would help me keep track of my grocery/coupon usage. lbmose123 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would use this to buy 3 meals for the week. It would really help us out a lot with our budget.

Lisa said...

it would prevent me from going over budget. Once it runs out then I can not buy anymore for the rest of the month.

Unknown said...

I'd be able to stay on budget because I couldn't spend what I didnt have

jzagarjr said...

I would use it to save money on my groceries.

Jamie said...

I can load a prepaid with the amount I want to spend on groceries and that way I can't go over my budget.

susan1215 said...

It would keep me from spending more than I have budgeted for.

Melanie Montgomery said...

By only using what's on the card

tavernie said...

It would keep me on budget while Christmas Shopping!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

ThriftyAnnabella said...

I'd use it for my Christmas shopping
annabella @ centurytel dot net

Lisa P. said...

I could use it to buy gas.

Jennifer Speed said...

It would help me to stay on budget because I could use it to buy groceries instead of spending my own money and I would only be able to use the money that's on it.

Unknown said...

Only load on the card what you need for the week such as gas and groceries, you can only spend as much as is on the card!

Kayla said...

It would make it so that I can only spend what I have.

77apronstrings said...

I would use it to stock up on essentials like toilet paper, detergent, and cleaning supplies. Those eat up so much of our weekly grocery budget.

bbrittbrat1398 said...

Its easy to stay on budget because you can only spend whats on the card. I would love to take it clothes shopping with me.
Brittney House

Anonymous said...

it would help b/c of a set limit

4mariemh atgmaildotcom

gordon said...

Fill the tank!

gordon said...

Fill the tank!

MissKate126 said...

Would help to not overspend and just use the $25 available!

michedt said...

I'd use it to put just the amount I want to spend on groceries and then only use that. It'd help a lot.
Michelle Tucker

07violet said...

It would help with groceries.

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

07violet said...

It would help with groceries.

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

maryjaco1 said...

I will make me stay strictly on budget.

Unknown said...

We use Paypal for managing our weekly discretionary funds. We would/could do the same thing with prepaid cards.

Wendy Rozema said...

this would help when i'm Christmas shopping!

Unknown said...

It will help me be stricter with money I think

Anna said...

I could use it to set myself a weekly food budget

Unknown said...

I know I only have a set amount, so I only buy essentials

Kathy P said...

I would let my teen son use this because when I give him our credit card he spends more than allowed

tlcfromtn said...

I would only spend the amount available on the card

Kelly g said...

help me pay for some christmas

crystal smith said...

i would use it to put a pre paid amount of "fun money" on each month so we know how much we have to spend on non essentials...i really like the idea of using it for the kids allowance too.


Unknown said...

A prepaid card for Christmas gifts would be a great idea to keep you on budget. Once the balance runs out, you are done!

guettel78 said...

A prepaid card would be perfect for keeping us on a monthly limit for eating out and managing a reasonable entertainment budget!

Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

i would put money on that card with money i could use for "wants" only once a month

Unknown said...

I'd use a prepaid as my emergency card instead of my credit card.


Some_Dude_Colin said...

I would use it to stay within my spending limits

Unknown said...

These are great for keeping teens within their spending limits!!

Unknown said...

it'd be easy to stay on budget without overspending ... since you can only spend what's on it! good.

MELINA said...

I can put a set amount on a prepaid card for a certain thing (groceries) and when that money is gone then no more groceries until the next time money gets loaded onto the card.

lisagee1234 said...

A card like that would be easy to send my son to the store with. No overdrafts at the bank, lol

Julieh said...

It would help me stay on budget ecause I couldn't spend more than what is on the card
Julie Hawkins

Brad Merrell said...

I can get a new shirt without spending my other money

Nine said...

I feel I would have more control over limiting myself when it comes to shopping trips. lexbaylor27 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would use it to keep to my budget by putting a set limit on the card and only using it for what I need and not what i want.

susansmoaks said...

i would use the gift card to stay on budget by buying some fruits and veggies that we need. that will stretch our budget!

Allison said...

I could use this toward new shoes for the hospital. Thanks for the chances.

Buddy Garrett said...

We have to budget for gas. I would use it to keep within our gas budget.

tina reynolds said...

I would use too keep track of groceries

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway…you could use a pre-loaded card to keep on budget for gasoline purchases.
Rafflecopter: Bryan E.

Unknown said...

i would put a set amount on it for groceries and stick to it KairaWolfie@aol.com

dvice12 said...

I could use a prepaid card to stay on budget by setting aside grocery money

Unknown said...

A prepaid card could be loaded each payday and used for "extras" - once the card is empty, no more extras til it's loaded up again!

Tamara said...

It would be helpful to have a pre-paid card like this, especially to use for a certain type of thing every month. Not overspending is something we're really trying to pay attention to right now.

Carolyn Daley said...

The gift card would enforce me to stay within my limit. If I need any extras, the gift card will take care the excess I owe above budget.

Carolyn Daley said...

I can use the gift card when I believe I will exceed my budget for the week.

Anonymous said...

I would use a card to be aware of my spending!

Unknown said...

I would declare the card my fast food budget for the month and only use that to eat out. When it's gone it's gone. It would help me save money AND eat healthier I'm sure. :)

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.