Is your little girl or little boy a fan of My Little Pony? These adorable
ponies that I grew up playing are just a popular as ever! The HubNetwork’s popular animated series, “My Little Pony
Friendship is Magic,” from Hasbro Studios, has its fourth season
finale on Saturday, May 10, with two all-new, back-to-back
episodes, “Twilight’s Kingdom – Part 1” and “Twilight’s Kingdom – Part 2,”
starting at 10 a.m. ET/7 a.m. PT on the Hub Network! A
great show that your My Little Pony fan will just adore!
The toys I most remember from my childhood are my Cabbage Patch Dolls, my
Rainbow Brite dolls and of course all of the My Little Ponies! Yes I was a
child of the 80’s. I loved all of My Little Ponies they were
all so special to me. I had all sorts of colors and styles, big ponies
baby ponies you name it I collected it . I had sheets, tops folders and lots of
branded items that I cherished. My daughter and I were very
fortunate to be able to check out the season finale of “My Little Pony Friendship is Magic,” by being a Hub Club blogger,
the hub sent us some fun goodies to get the fun started:
Before we had our fun premiere night, my daughter and I headed out to hour local Build-A-Bear, At Build-A-Bear Workshop you can make your own stuffed animal friends like bears, bunnies, dogs and more! Make a wish and add a heart - a Build-A-Bear Workshop trademark. Then dress them up in stylish furry fashions! And now you can make My Little Ponies!
My daughter is a huge fan of stuffed animals, they are so cute and soft. My
daughters favorite animals are her animals from Build A Bear, they are so well
made and she just loves to be able to stuff her own bear, and choose the heart
that goes inside of her new friend. As soon as my daughter saw the new Fluttershy pony she just fell in love with
I have to admit the she is adorable. Fluttershy, is dressed in her finest, and is ready for fun. What is all dressed up for? With her lovely cape, and sparkling pink shoes, well she is going home with my daughter to check out the season finale!
The Hub Network’s animated
series, “My Little Pony Friendship
is Magic,”
“Twilight’s Kingdom – Part 1” and “Twilight’s Kingdom – Part 2,”
I have to admit the she is adorable. Fluttershy, is dressed in her finest, and is ready for fun. What is all dressed up for? With her lovely cape, and sparkling pink shoes, well she is going home with my daughter to check out the season finale!
We enjoyed some mommy daughter time, and check
out these two great new episodes. In these episodes we follow, Princess
Twilight Sparkle and her trusted assistant Spike, along with her colorful pony
friends – honest Applejack, generous Rarity, kind Fluttershy, loyal Rainbow
Dash and fun-loving Pinkie Pie. In Twilight’s Kingdom, part one and two,
Princess twilight sparkle struggles to prove herself as a princess. After a
premonition about a mysterious evil foe from the past what will Twilight
Sparkle do? With magic and adventure, what will be found out from the secret
chest that is opened? Will Equestria ever be the same?!? Equestria
had to join together to fight off the threat, but would they succeed?

loved these great episodes, they were full of ponies and action and fun! The
colors were bright and pretty, the animation was nice and I liked the
storyline. I love the message of these shows, the most powerful magic there is
the magic of friendship. Will
Twilight, be the princess she needs to be? Well I am not going to spoil it for you,
be sure to stay tuned to the Hub on 5/10 and see these great episodes for
yourself. “My Little Pony Friendship is Magic,” fourth season
finale on Saturday, May 10, with two all-new, back-to-back
episodes, “Twilight’s Kingdom – Part 1” and “Twilight’s Kingdom – Part 2,”.
“My Little Pony Friendship
is Magic” features key voice talent including Tara Strong, Cathy
Weseluck, Andrea Libman as well as Tabitha St. Germain and Ashleigh Ball. The
series is executive produced by Chris Bartleman, Kirsten Newlands and
Stephen Davis and was developed for television by Lauren Faust.
I will have a special surprise
for you all soon, I just may be chatting with one of these great pony’s! My
daughter is so excited, it is like a huge deal to her, and I am excited to, can’t
wait to share more information with you all soon.
You can purchase your own fuzzy friend at Build-A-Bear
and check out the season finale of “MyLittle Pony Friendship is Magic,”
on Saturday, May 10 starting at 10 a.m. ET/7 a.m. PT
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received a screener , pony toy and was able to build a bear to facilitate this review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
My littl eniece loves my little pony - i didn't know they had options at build a bear - we might have to take a trip there for her birthday.
My daughter would flip out over this, she LOVES My Little Pony!
When my daughter was little she was a HUGE My Little Pony fan and she would have been glued to the TV to watch the “My Little Pony Friendship is Magic” series. My Little Pony is now a timeless classic!
It is amazing how popular this cartoon has gotten. The HUB network has a great lineup of family family entertainment you can feel good about your family watching.
Susan, my son is 12 and has autism and LOVES MLP. He knows it is for "girls" but he has all the Build A Bear MLP's and he watches it on the HUB! We love the HUB network for their quality programming for the family.
I have a build a bear Twilight Princess My lil Pony. They are so cute, soft and well made! I wish I could collect all of them. Little kids get so much more than we did!! We had to settle for the tiny MLP's but ya know, we still had lots of fun!
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