****Disney provided an all-expense paid trip for
me to cover this great event ****
One of the things I've always wanted to do was attend
a filming of a popular TV game show, it's been a bucket list thing
of mine since I was a little girl. Thanks to Disney I was able to cross this off my list! I was able to attend a taping of Family Feud and had a blast! It was so interesting to
see how a show is made and what all goes into the production of the show. This was not just any taping of Family Feud (not like that would be a bad thing....) this was a special series Celebrity Family Feud, hosted by Steve Harvey! Premiering, Sunday June 21st
at 8/7c on ABC.
No, we weren't the celebrities in this fun episode! For the episode we got to see filmed the celebrities were Vicki Lawrence vs Ed Asner! Legends! Vicki Lawrence is an Emmy Award-winning comedienne who is best-known for her part in the legendary cast of the “Carol Burnett Show”, and the singer of a favorite song of mine The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia, a 70's classic, like me! Vicki's family would be up against the family of Ed Asner. Ed Asner is a 7-Time Emmy Award winner (“The Mary Tyler Moore Show,” “Lou Grant,” “Up” ) he is the voice of Mr. Fredricksen in Disney/Pixar's Up! I was in the same room as Mr. Fredricksen! The celebrities would be playing for their favorite charities, for a chance to win a $25,000 donation to the charity of their choice.
When we arrived in the studio there was a lot of action going on but they wanted to make sure that we'd have a great time. The crowd was getting warmed up and even had some dance competitions! The crowd was invited to see who was the best dancer, and some got to go on stage and show off their skills. While music of the 90's played in the studio I harkened back to my high school days, I was back in the the park just hanging with my friends enjoying the music! 
The celebrities and their families were hilarious! The celebrities and their families worked off of Steve Harvey very well, and joked along with him. Some of their answers were classic! I was surprised at how quickly the show was filmed, there was no "let's go back, and do the again" it was all flowing as if it was live, what you see is what you get. I am sure Steve Harvey has this down, that is why it looked so effortless.

photo provided by ABC
Just like you see on TV when it was time for a commercial break, the host and the contestants took a break as well. I would have assumed they would just stop for a second then go on, but it was just as if a commercial break was on. During the break Steve Harvey talked to the audience, he answered some prepared questions, including who inspired him most, the answer being his father... Who is Steve Harvey's favorite comedian? None other that the late great Richard Pryor! Steve also took the time to let us know a bit about his past and how to get over some hurdles in life. Do you have a job that you hate, perhaps that is not the job for you , there is a better life for you out there.
Steve spoke of starting out with a job at a car factory, doing a mundane job he hated... he knew there had to be a better job out there... What was he destined for? He followed his dreams and achieved success. His talk was so inspiring, if the game show, and being a comedian ever get boring for Steve he would make a great motivational speaker.
After the show wrapped we were able to go on the stage! We got to take pictures and line up as a "family" and even use the buzzer! This was an amazing experience, a bucket list item that is for sure. I won't spoil the fun, and let you know who won, but this was a great episode be sure to stay tuned! Celebrity Family Feud, hosted by Steve Harvey! Premiering, Sunday June 21st at 8/7c on ABC.
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Instagram: @FamilyFeudABC
Celebrity Family Feud debuts on Sunday June 21st
at 8/7c on ABC
****Disney provided an all-expense paid trip for
me to cover this great event ****
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
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What a great experience. I absolutely love watching Family Feud!
I have always wanted to see a TV game show in person also. I love the Family Feud. I am sure you had a wonderful memorable time.
twinkle at optonline dot net
This is one of my favorite shows ever! What an amazing opportunity to be part of the show and tour it!
I love family fued, my favorite game show and Steve harvey is such a funny guy!
I love Family Feud and I like Steve Harvey a lot. I think he is going to be with the show a long time.
This was nice, but it didn't last long enough to even give it a real chance. I hope to see it in the future.
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