Tuesday, September 11, 2012

National Clean Out Your Garage Day Review and Give-a-way

Did you know that there was a national clean out your garage day? Well I was not aware of this until recently.. and I think it is a really cool thing.

“National Clean Out Your Garage Day” is an observance dedicated to educating Americans about garage safety. This year, Ace Hardware and Quickie are joining The Lehigh Group, manufacturer of Crawford branded garage organization products, making the 2012 program the largest campaign to date.

Slated for Saturday, Sept. 8, this year’s “National Clean Out Your Garage Day” campaign will focus on teaching people how to perfect their parking zones by providing tips for organizing and preventing garage accidents.

To celebrate, Crawford has prepared organization kits – filled with essential tools for ensuring the highest level of garage organization . Wow a clean garage? What mom would not love this?

We were sent a  Garage Organization Kit filled with the following items: (ARV $83.16)

Crawford 16” Adjustable Storage Organizer: Designed for use anywhere in your home, garage, workshop, tool shed or basement, this system is great for hanging brooms, rakes and other lawn supplies.

Crawford Sliding Spring Grip Organizer: Grips slide into position anywhere along the bar for maximum use. Guaranteed to never lose tension, the grips can hold hardware, garden tools, shovels and more.

Quickie 2-in-1 Squeegee Pushbroom: This 2-in-1 pushbroom is designed for both indoor and outdoor use. Effortlessly sweep away dirt and debris or use the built-in professional-grade squeegee to push away excess water.

ACE Multi-surface Pushbroom: This durable pushbroom is perfect for sweeping heavy debris, including caked-on dirt, gravel and construction materials.

Lysol Sponges: Super absorbent and safe on most surfaces, these sponges can help tackle any tough mess. 

This is just what we need to get in gear, a challenge to get the garage clean. The brooms are great they are large and clean a good sized area in one sweep.  This kit was just what we needed to get things in order and we are on our way to a much better storage area. We can now clip the dust pan and other items to the wall with the handy clips that were in the kit.  The adjustable storage organizer makes it easy to get the brooms and mops organized, and with hanging them on the wall, I know where they are all the time.

 When I need a broom I no longer have to search for one, this is a great thing.  And the Lysol sponges are always great to clean just about anything, I was able to wipe down the shelves and tidy up with these great sponges.  So even though National Clean Out Your Garage day has passed there is no reason that you still can’t give a clean garage a shop, why not straiten it up, trust me it will be worth it.

The generous folks at Ace Hardware and Quickie are joining The Lehigh Group are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win a  Garage Organization Kit (ARV $83.16). Would you like to win? Please let me know who could use this kit? There are also other ways to enter. Please enter below.

Win it:

One winner will win a Garage Organization Kit (ARV $83.16).


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received a kit to review., No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Carmen said...

I would love to give this kit to my parents, they just took over my grandparents house on a lake, and it needs a lot of cleaning! Thanks for the chance!

Claire McKeon said...

My husband would love and use this!

mosaic317 at gmail dot com
Claire McKeon

Suburban prep said...

The ones who could use this kit are my husband and myself.

Claire McKeon said...

My husband would love and use this!

mosaic317 at gmail dot com
Claire McKeon

bayctygrl said...

I could really use this

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
Jennifer B

amramazon280 said...

this would be for my husband

jmajor4870 said...

i could use this. i having been telling myself to clean out the garage for months and never get around to it

Unknown said...

Me! Our garage is a disaster right now and we REALLY need to organize it!

peg42 said...

My husband can use this. We really need to organize our garage. Thanks so much.

d schmidt said...

I could use this kit! Our garage is such a mess


Cassie Eastman said...

I would use this to organize my husbands work clothes (he cleans hoods at restaurants so they stay in the garage!) This would be so great to clean up our garage with!

Kelly H. said...

My husband could use this.

wildcat32 said...

This would be great for my husband.

Jackie said...

We could use this
Thank you!

Ann Fantom said...

If I won, I would give this to my husband so he could organize the garage

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Ann Fantom said...

GFC id: abfantom fantom

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

We need it. Every couple months we need to redo it.

Rhonda Petersen said...

I've been cleaning out our garage this month and I could really use this prize. Thanks nync@lycos.com

AmandaC said...

My parents could REALLY use this kit! They are the type of people that think that the garage is there for storage and that it doesn't need to be organized. Little do they know that it will make their life harder.

Unknown said...

My handy dandy boyfriend loves to organize stuff!!!

Janet said...

Me. Well, Carl could use this prize. lol He has a garage and gym.(in garage) He could use some help. Men!!! lol :) Thanks, gahome2mom/gmail/com

mverno said...

my husband and i both

Anonymous said...

My mom!!!

PAIGE said...

My husband would totally dig this.

mogrill said...

My hubby could use this!
Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

This would be great for my dad :)

llinda29 said...

my hubby will use it

Lunaemica said...

We have a garage but I haven't seen it in years. Id love to give this to my hubby to help him find the walls and floor again

Hetal said...

I will be the one using this kit because we have moved to a new home recently and this will be very helpful.

Growl Tiger said...

My hubby needs this kit.

RealtorSD said...

We just bought a fixer upper and it would be perfect for me to use in the garage. Sarah at realtorsd.com

wigget said...

we could

Terri C. McMillan said...

I could use it

MamaStace said...

We could use this! Definitely


TheresaJenkins said...

I could use this for my corner of the garage

debijackson said...

Boy I could sure use this kit for our space debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

Kate Guinn said...

My family could use this, we recently moved into a new house and the garage is one of the areas that is not completely organized.

Anonymous said...

We could. I have little to no space for anything.
rierie11booger (@) yahoo.com

Kimberly said...

My family

Denise said...

I am the messiest person I know, I could use this.

wallindeb said...

I need this for my garage.

Unknown said...

We bought a new house with a great garage, I want hubby to keep it that way.

Selinda said...

I could use this for some much needed organization!


selinda_mccumbers at yahoo.com

mperkins37 said...

My Garage is a Federal emergency zone... Landslide area... Guess I could use it.

Tamar said...

I can. We're moving to a house and the garage is a wreck.

Anonymous said...

i could use this since i will be building a garage very soon.

Anonymous said...

My husband would make good use out of this kit.

Anonymous said...

My husband could use this.


calvad said...

My husband could use this kit.

brich2222 said...

we could use it ourselves. Any organization in the garage is an improvement

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

brich2222 said...


ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

My husband could use this

Unknown said...

I could really use it

Unknown said...

we need this for our garage

yellowlabs said...

My hubby would love this!

RILEKAT said...

My son could use this in my garage....lol

brich2222 said...

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

My garage is chaos, so clearly, I could use this.

sparkedcat said...

If you saw my garage you would know I could use it.

micheal dale grim said...

i would use this,it would be ggreat for my garage!!!

Mrs. Stacey said...

My husband if he would ever clean the man cave.

Sonya said...

This would be for my hubby!

wendym said...

I would use all these products to CLEAN up my messy garage!

wendym at cableone dot net

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

My husband could really use this since we bought a new house.

Auri Lae said...

We could - we just bought a new house and will have to clean out this one then organize the new garage!

Anonymous said...

We just cleaned out our garage & now in the process of organizing. We could really use this.

Ericka said...

I could use this to clean out my garage, thank you for the chance!

Unknown said...

I could use this kit, I have been putting off cleaning the garage for way too long now. Anything to nudge me in the proper direction would be fantastic!

ltlbitone said...

I could use this ...

ltlbit1@hotmail dot com

Molly K said...

My husband could really use this. Our garage is a disaster and he keeps saying he will clean it but it never gets done.

Kim (Randominities) said...

My husband could really use this kit. We have a double garage and a shed, all of which needs organizing.

Kim (Randominities) said...

I follow gfc randominities and I have your button on my randominities blog, right side 1/2 way down the page.

Sylvia said...

I could! Our garage becomes the storage point whenever we clean out the house. :)

Unknown said...

my husband could use this

lynn said...

This is just what I need to bring some order to my garage chaos.

sottovoce said...

I could use this kit...would be nice to put a little organization in my garage. :-) thank you.

Timshaun said...

I could use this.
Shaunda.Eppes at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

This would be a perfect birthday present for my husband.

Roy F. said...

i could use this kit.

Nancy Rodriguez said...

I need several of these kits. My garage is a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

My son could use this for sure.

sflickinger at rocketmail dot com

Kim H. said...

we could DEFINITELY use this!

Kathy P said...

my hubby could use this

Unknown said...

My husband could really use this.

susansmoaks said...

I really could use this kit, our garage needs to be better organized!
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

I could use it!

clynsg said...

I could use it, plus more help!

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

Stacey V said...

My family could use this!

Anonymous said...

my husband could use
mommy2jayce26@yahoo dotcom

Lori Swann said...

I could use this kit. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Morgan Lepley Edger said...

My husband could use this! :)

degood said...

I could use this kit.

Unknown said...

my family could use this.

Unknown said...

we could really use this at our house - things are out of control!

cassandra marquez said...

I would get this for my hubby and put him to work lol :)
fb: rab pom

Anonymous said...

I could use it my garage is always a mess if tools etc.

Unknown said...

Your button is posted to my blog as well as you site is on my blogroll.

Unknown said...

I could use this, I just move into my parents old home and they left quite a bit of trash behind for me to clean up.

Anonymous said...

I could really use this in my garage wilcarvic

Unknown said...

blogged http://tanyajoshanti81.blogspot.com/2012/09/win-garage-organization-kit.html

Unknown said...

My dad for sure, we cleaned his garage one year for Fathers day but you know not long after it's back to the way it was.. It is unable to fit a car due to the other crap he puts in it lol.
GFC- jessica.goodwill

CarrieAnn13 said...

my husband would love this

Brenda B said...

I could use it :)

Melanie Montgomery said...

My dad could use it.

Unknown said...

My dad could use this kit.

cindiizzy said...

My husband would love this!

Peggy Rydzewski said...

I would use this. I do not have a basement and all my storage is in my garage.

Lisa said...

My dad who owns a autobody shop

Sheree said...

My husband would absolutely love this!

Sheree said...

My husband would absolutely love this!

Gabby Hope said...

I have blogged about this giveaway. I really wanna win this!!

Unknown said...

We could use in our garage, thanks for the chance.

Gaines7 said...

Hello, how are you? Thank you for this opportunity. my Mother could really use the new brooms.


bev said...

I just cleaned out my garage and definitely could use some storage items in there. Thanks for the chance to win some.

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.